guy on the beach

Embrace the Sun, Protect Your Skin

The sun is a wild thing. It can give you a glowing tan, a jolt of vitamin D, and an instant mood boost. It can also be vicious, leaving wrinkles, dark spots, and even skin cancer. That's why it's crucial for everyone to lather on some sunscreen. But what exactly is sunscreen and what should you buy?

SPF (Sun Protection Factor) measures how well your skin is protected from the sun's harmful UV radiation. The higher the SPF, the longer it takes your skin to burn. For example, SPF 50 means it will take your skin 50 times longer to burn compared to no sun protection at all. Okay cool, but what’s all this chatter about “broad-spectrum”? 

UV radiation is produced by the sun and comes in three flavours based on its wavelength – UVA, UVB and UVC.

  • UVC is the most harmful but it is blocked by the ozone layer. The ozone layer blocks out most UVB and UVA radiation too, but not all. 
  • UVB is more energetic and can be blocked by a glass window, meaning there is very little of this indoors. UVB is the main cause of sunburns when we are outside.
  • UVA is less energetic but penetrates more deeply into the skin and causes it to tan. We are prone to UVA even when indoors. 

Broad-spectrum sunscreen protects against both UVA and UVB radiation. The Australian College of Dermatologists recommends using a broad-spectrum sunscreen that is at least SPF 30, even when it's cloudy. When you're outside, a broad-spectrum sunscreen and a hat will offer the best protection. Keep the lobster skin at bay so you can confidently look your best.

When buying sunscreen, here's what you need to know: 

  • Look for broad spectrum that's at least SPF 30
  • A sunscreen that's water-resistant and non-greasy
  • Apply it on all exposed skin, including your ears, neck, and lips
  • Reapply every two hours, or more often if you're sweating or swimming

Nobody wants to look like a tired old raisin when they're 50. Be smart, look great and get some SPF in your daily routine.

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